(To create a supportive
environment)Celebration of Pongal at
Aravanaipagam on 13.1.2014
In order to bring in joy
and a sense of togetherness among the inmates the shelter management committee
decided to celebrate the Pongal at Aravanaipagam on 13.1.20214. The program was
aimed to give the thus far homeless inmates a sense of family love and care by
involving them all in this celebration.
The Pongal Vadai and all
other Pongal feast were cooked for the inmates and were given to them. They
were also given new dresses to mark the festive occasion.
The inmates were greatly
enjoyed the occasion and were emotionally happy about certain instances such as
lighting of lamp by them. Thus they were overall happy about the opportunity
presented to them on this occasion.
Pulse Polio Camp
Vizhiththezhu always
looked out for opportunity to integrate with the community which would enable
better functioning of the Aravanaipagam. One such opportunity was presented to
it by the Corporation of Chennai on the day of its Pulse Polio Camp. At the
request of the corporation officials for a space to conduct the polio camp,
Vizhiththezhu offered its assistance by organizing the camp at the
Aravanaipagam premises. Beside, taking part in this polio campaign
Vizhiththezhu took this opportunity to build a good rapport with the community
people in order to know about the shelter home project of the Corporation of
Chennai. Also this gave an opportunity for the inmates to engage with community
people and a sense of togetherness with the community.
Republic Day Celebration
The Twenty Sixth of
January 1950 was a milestone in the history of our nation. This was the
day India became fully sovereign and severed all its political
allegiance from the British Empire. This was day on which all the citizens
of our nation were formally declared equal in all respects and were assured of their
liberty and development through the enforcement of our constitution. Hence
Vizhiththezhu rightly chose this day to let know their inmates that they are in
no way lesser than the rest of the rest of the society by organizing a republic
day celebration at its Aravanaipagam.
Objectives of the program:
- To
make the inmates who were so far experienced a sense of exclusion from the
society, feel that they are part of this society by making them involve in
a national festival.
- A
source of recreation for the inmates by organizing cultural events
- To
maintain a friendly relationship with the local community so as to get
their continued support for this cause,.
- To
make the youth and children of the region know about this project and to
develop a caring attitude among them towards the homeless people.
The program was attended
by the Mr.M.Pandian, Councilor Corporation of Chennai who hoisted the Tri
Colour and delivered a motivational speech. He also distributed sweets to the
inmates and the people of our area. After which we organized a cultural program
which included dance and drama by the local school children. The event
was enthralling for the inmates and gave them an opportunity to flush out their
stress and depression. The inmates were so much so happy that they themselves
performed few dance in front of the audience. This was a great
success and moment to rejoice as the program delivered the intended result.
This opportunity also helped the Aravanaipagam to get attached much more with
World No Elder’s Abuse Day
No Elder’s Abuse Day on 15th of May. So, Vizhiththezhu planned
to conduct an Awareness program on “World No Elders Abuse Day’ at Chennai High
School, West Coovam Road, Chintadripet, Chennai. Through this program children
know about the importance of the elders and they will involve social
activities. Vizhiththezhu planned to apply new programme for the inmate’s
psychological development and carrying. That each child can adopt one inmate
and take carrying and speak affectionately with their parent’s permission
monthly once. Programme Duration from 9.00 am to 10.30 am ,
100 children are participated in the world No Elders Abuse Day, Awareness
Session started with the small introduction about Vizhiththezhu and
Vizhiththezhu’s Activities, Shelter for Homeless Project and its process and
World No Elders Abuse Day, Importance of Elders and some quality about the
elders and Adoption system explained by Miss.Durga Devi, Co-ordinator,
Vizhiththezhu, Aravanaipagam.
Created and read by Miss.Bharathy who is
the one of the children in the Aravanaipagam about the elders and elder’s
of thanks:
Vote of thanks given by
Mrs.Chandra Vadhani, Care Taker, Vizhiththezhu’s Aravanaipagam.
check up
The camp was attended by 113 people (including 20 of our inmates. All these people were thoroughly screened by the medical personnel and were treated accordingly. Free medicines were provided to those who were in need of, and around were provided free spectacles at the camp. For those who require further treatment like cataract surgery etc. The hospitals were asked to arrange for free service in the coming future if the patients wish to undertake.
It is worth to mention the service of
the entire medical team for their benevolent and sincere job at the camp they
were gracious to accept the invitation at very short notes and made this camp a
grand success.
Legal Awareness Camp
this camp we invited a Judge Mrs.Sudha from Georgetown and gave a wonderful speech
about Free Legal awareness camp. This creates a good awareness among the
inmates and the area people. The judge spokes very friendly and clarified all
the details.
tobacco day
May 31st we celebrated the Anti Tobacco Day with the Chintadripet
youth. We invited the organization called “CAN STOP” and made them to give
awareness on tobacco control. They have given a very brief advice as well the
cause of using the tobacco. They made them understand the hazardous of the
smoking and consuming alcohol. This was the good experience that everyone had.
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