Krishna age (19) Orissa:
Mr.krishna who has came from Orissa and
came with his neighborhood for a work to do in thiruvanamalai. And his money
was stolen by them and he came to Chennai. The city level coordinator have
contacted us and said that he was standing in front of the Hindu office then
with the help of aied et action the Aravanaipagam coordinator went to rescue
him. Then we sent him back to his house with the help of aeid et action who is
working for the children.
Dhadhaji babu rao sakharkar (60) chandrapur:
Mr. dhadhaji babu rao was a mentally
ill person and his native is chandrapur, Maharashtra. He came to Chennai
without his knowledge. On 23-08-2014 sub inspector Mrs.sorna kalanjiyam was
found him and brought him to Aravanaipagam on that day itself and he came with
11,695 rupees have been found by the director and called up to his son visaldadaji sakharkar and by the day he came
here and he took his father back with the money.
Girija (30) Andra
On 7/08/2014,Mrs.Girija 30 years women
was roving in the platform without any authority, so she was handover in
Aravanaipagam by central checking police .Then she was taken care by
Aravanaipagam people she didn’t say any of her personal details as because she
was affected by psychological disorder, later she started mingling with people
of Aravanaipagam then she sharing her details to the Aravanaipagam management
people. Then she was sent to CDH Shelter for mentally ill orphans for further
treatment. But she have already been in CDH for treatment and escaped from
there and came back to us and again our staff took her to CHD. So finally we
got information about her there. She got good treatment and got cured then we
sent her home back.
Priyanka (21) Nagpur:
She is from Nagpur. She is a mentally
ill person and her language is Hindi. She came to Chennai from her house by
1-1-2015. Perimedu police station has found her and called up to women’s help
line and they felt good about us and they referred to us. She has come to
Aravanaipagam and was taken care by vizhiththezhu’s staff’s and gathered all
the details about her and counseled her by the Co-coordinator. Then we make her
comfortable because she was completely disturbed and stressed. Her father is working as a line operator. Her
mother is a home maker. Due to her health problem we are unable to keep her in
our organization. So we referred to Anbagam and gave all the details about her
(CDH). Now they have found her house address and intimated to their parents. So
this has been a big success for Vizhiththezhu.
(35) kerala:
Tamil Nadu
Mrs .vasantha is from dhindukal and she
is a Brahmin. Her husband was having illegal relationship with another lady.
She tried to change his husband’s mind but she couldn’t cope up with him. Then
she came to Chennai and she is having two sons one is manoj kumar and shanmuga
kumar. But we couldn’t find his first son and we talked with second son and he
said he is living in the place where he is working so he was unable to take her
then he decided to take a separate house. After few months he took her to his
Mrs.kalaivani was lived in front of the
ATM in T.Nagar but she is from Thiruvannamalai. She is affected by the skin
disease fully. She haven’t allowed in any other organization. She came here
with the help of women’s helpline. She has completed M.A Tamil and her parents
expired. She came here to search for job and but at last she started doing a
business like begging in front of the media office by showing her skin disease.
But now she found a job and Settled in another woman’s hostel.
and Chandra
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